Why Insomnia Affects More Women than Men

Woman wide awake club

Peri & Menopause lead to significant shifts in a woman's life but one of the most serious issues could be sleep-related (don't be fooled this can start gradually in your 30's without your realising).

Two-thirds of British adults aren't getting enough sleep and, of these, women are much more likely than men to say they don't get enough hours at night.  Women during menopause feel this effect most significantly, which 26% "experiencing severe symptoms that impact daytime functioning".  That's over a quarter that is living with menopause and insomnia.

Learn why menopause seems to cause insomnia in so many women and why the problem may also be linked to unresolved internal conflict.  Finally, find out how natural sleep aids can help you restore a healthy and restful sleep cycle.

Insomnia as a Symptom of the Menopause

Menopause leads to a significant shift in your body’s hormonal production and many of these hormones contribute to a healthy sleep cycle. Specifically, your levels of oestrogen and progesterone will begin to fall. As they do so, you may find that you take longer to fall asleep while waking up earlier and feeling less refreshed. Even when you do manage to drop off, women going through menopause often struggle to reach the REM stages, where most of the benefits of sleep are found.

Oestrogen is used to boost sleep because of a range of studies suggesting that women with higher levels of oestrogen sleep more soundly. However, it seems that progesterone is the main cause of the link between menopause and insomnia. This hormone “exerts a sleep induction or hypnotic effect”, calming the mind, improving respiration, and gently drifting you towards dreamland. As it becomes less prevalent in the body during menopause, anxious and stressful thoughts can hinder restful sleep.

Resolving Internal Conflicts

There’s clear evidence that menopause and insomnia are linked. However, the exact cause of your sleep problems may run deeper than this. It’s important to improve your sleep through the common methods: creating a cool, dark, and quiet environment while avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and smartphones before bed, if you insist on using them or watching television it's well worth investing in a pair of Blue Blocker Glasses to keep a healthy sleep routine. However, it’s also crucial that you solve any internal conflicts you may have as a woman going through menopause.

59% of women who have reached this stage of life believe it has negatively impacted their careers. Two-thirds find it harder to concentrate, a majority experience increased stress, and over half have decreased patience. This leads to all kinds of internal conflicts about your self-worth, which leads to heightened anxiety that will undoubtedly impact your sleep. Find ways to have better sex and lower stress to boost self-esteem, solve identity crises, and sleep more soundly.

Finding Natural Treatments

Whatever’s causing your insomnia, there are some natural remedies to help you drift to sleep more easily. These are specifically designed with menopause in mind as a way to help women like you find the calming influence, they need to achieve deeper rest. A blend of natural active ingredients can help to reduce stress and anxiety before bed so you can drop off more quickly, achieve deeper stages of sleep, and wake up feeling refreshed.

Our sleep supplement is designed specifically to cater for the hormonal changes of menopause along with the emotional conflict this brings. Before opting for prescription sleep medication, it can help to try these natural vegan alternatives. This product contains 5-HTP & Tryptophan which are the sources of the bodies natural production of Melatonin whilst magnesium glycinate, Vitamin B6 and Zinc are the Essential Nutrients required for the body to convert them into Serotonin which plays a key role in the regulation of Melatonin known to increase during darkness making way for an Improved Quality of Sleep.

Menopause and insomnia, unfortunately, go in hand in hand for many women. The hormonal changes you experience during this stage of life undoubtedly plays a significant role in this. However, hormones aren’t everything. You may be living with unresolved internal conflicts that are also leading to insomnia. You’ll find your quality of sleep improves when you work on these self-esteem issues alongside upping your intake of essential nutrients via natural sleep aids.

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